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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Digital, Social Moms: Using Social Media to Increase Respondent Engagement and Decrease Recruiting Costs for the MomConnection® Research Community
Year 2010
Access date 29.01.2012

With tightening market research budgets and the increasing need for quick-turnaround research and credible, actionable insights, marketers increasingly are turning to online panels for their research needs. Online panels provide researchers with a range of tools for obtaining customer feedback in a time-sensitive and economical manner. The success of the panel comes, in large part, from the commitment of the client and supplier team to closely monitor the panel, respect panel members, constantly improve the Web site to keep members engaged, and be responsive to business needs.
To address the desires of corporate marketers to leverage the benefits of recent technological and social advances, online panels and communities can use social media to increase respondent engagement, reduce recruiting costs, and generate more powerful insights. To illustrate a panel's key benefits of timeliness, affordability, and action ability we will describe a case study from the dual perspective of both client and supplier.
Our team will share what has worked and what has not worked with our social media endeavors. We will also discuss how modifications to our incentive programs have affected response rates and engagement of community members.

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Conference Homepage (abstract)

Year of publication2010
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography - Internet access Panels (431)
